NAM VIET HUNG INVESTMENT CORPORATION operates in construction areas, including infrastructure, office buildings, residential buildings ... in Ho Chi Minh areas and neighboring provinces. With the high experience, Nam Viet Hung has the professional capacity in all activities, especially in the construction of various industrial projects and various residential buildings, traffic construction and irrigation construction. Following the development of Vietnam in the integration period, Nam Viet Hung not only focuses on a specific area because we aim to meet all customers’ demand of the society and community. Nam Viet Hung operates under the model of multi-businesses as commerce, construction, industrial production and construction materials.
With the high experience of intensive operations, global network, and the trustworthiness of many companies in various fields as well as the trustworthiness from clients, Nam Viet Hung participatesin the businesses activities with multi-areas through its strengths:
Construction, installation and repair of residential and industrial buildings, projects of technical infrastructure of urban and industrial areas; traffic projects and irrigation projects.
Investment consultancy and project management of residential and industrial construction projects, technical and infrastructure projects of urban and industrial areas.
Designing the ground construction, residential and industrial construction, interior construction, heating – ventilation – ventilation - air conditioning, residential and industrial construction, mechanical and electrical components
Trading the various products in Vietnam in commercial areas, import and export, international investment.